Etkinlik programı için tıklayınız
Etkinlikte sunumu gerçekleşen çalışmalar:
Two and a half million Syrian refugees, skill mix and capital – Huzeyfe Torun
Blessing or Burden The Impact of Refugees– Ozan Bakis
The Multidimensional Approach to Gender Gap in Poverty An Application for Turkey – Hasan Tekguc
Where are the Golden Young People of Turkey -Tolga Yuret
Long-Term Education and Labor Market Consequences– Semih Tumen
Does Gender Discrimination Contribute to Low -Seyit Mumin Cilasun
Expansion of higher education and labor market outcomes evidence from turkey – Cagla Okten
Wage Effects of Field and Level Based Education – Benan Orbay
Impact of MinimumWages on Exporters Evidence From a Sharp – Yusuf Emre Akgunduz