No growth in the third quarter Ozan Bakış and Furkan Kavuncu In the light of fully-released July, August and September leading indicators, our estimate for the year-on-year GDP growth is...
NO INCREASES IN UNEMPLOYMENT Seyfettin Gürsel, Gokce Uysal and Furkan Kavuncu Seasonally adjusted labor market data shows that in the period of August 2018, non-agricultural unemployment rate remained constant...
HIGH GROWTH BOOSTED BY PRIVATE CONSUMPTION AND EXPORTS IN THE SECOND QUARTER Seyfettin Gürsel, Ozan Bakış and Uğurcan Acar In the second quarter of 2018, according to seasonally and...
Slow growth in the third quarter Ozan Bakış ve Yazgı Genç In the light of fully-released July, August and partly-released September leading indicators, our estimate for the year-on-year GDP growth...
The low growth in the third quarter Ozan Bakış ve Uğurcan Acar In the light of fully-released July and partly-released August leading indicators, our estimate for the year-on-year GDP growth...