Labor Market Outlook: December 2011


Seyfettin Gursel, Gokce Uysal and Aysenur Acar

According to the labor market statistics released by TurkStat, non-agricultural unemployment rate fell by 3 percentage points to 11.3 percent in the period of September 2011 compared to previous year. Seasonally adjusted labor market data shows that non-agricultural unemployment rate fell by 0.5 percentage points and decreased from 11.9 percent to 11.4 percent during September 2011 compared to the period of August 2011. Non-agricultural unemployment rate has been rapidly falling during the periods of July, August and September. The increase in non-agricultural employment is caused mainly by an increase in the service sector employment during the period of September. Manufacturing employment, which has been falling since April, increased during this period as well.

doc. LaborOutlook2011M12

pdf. LaborOutlook2011M12