Seyfettin Gürsel and Duygu Güner According to the labor market statistics released by TurkStat on 15th of September, non-agricultural employment has increased by 1 million 95 thousand and non-agricultural labor...
Gokce Uysal-Kolasin and Duygu Guner According to the Household Labor Force Survey data released by TURKSTAT, there are still 5 million 674 thousand people in Turkey over the age of...
Seyfettin Gürsel and Gokçe Uysal According to the labor market statistics released by TurkStat on the 16th of August, non-agricultural employment has increased by 1 million 177 thousand and...
Seyfettin Gürsel and Duygu Güner According to the labor market statistics released by TurkStat on 15th of July, non-agricultural employment has increased by 1millon 139 thousand and non-agricultural labor force...
Seyfettin Gürsel and Duygu Güner According to the labor market statistics released by TURKSTAT on 15th of June, non-agricultural employment has increased by 957 thousand, non-agricultural labor force by 641...