Seyfettin Gursel, Gokce Uysal and Duygu Guner

According to the labor market statistics released by TurkStat on the 15th of March, employment reached 22 million 665 thousand during the period of December 2010 (November-December-January) while non-agricultural employment rose to 17 million 82 thousand. Raw labor market indicators reveal that non-agricultural employment increased by 758 thousand (3.1 percent) in December 2010 compared to its level in December 2009. On the other hand, non-agricultural unemployment decreased from 16.6 percent to 14.2 percent within the same period. Year on year changes indicate a 336 thousand increase in the non-agricultural labor force and a 758 thousand increase in non-agricultural employment. Since labor force increases reverted to its pre-crisis trend, expansion in non-agricultural employment decreased the number of unemployed in non-agricultural sectors by 422 thousand.

doc. ResearchBrief108

pdf. ResearchBrief108