Seyfettin Gürsel, Gökçe Uysal-Kolaşin, Mehmet Alper Dinçer

During the December 2007 – December 2008 period, female employment increased by roughly 250 thousand while male employment fell by 160 thousand. This outcome is not surprising given the effects of the global crisis and the current condition of the Turkish economy. The rise in the female employment is tightly linked to the effects of the crisis.

The major part of the increase in the female employment, 243 thousand to be exact, occurred in the service sector. 136 thousand of this corresponds to an increase in the self-employed. The rising number of employment in the service industry and in self-employment for females imply that a majority of them are involved in economic activities such as house cleaning, baby-sitting and home production.

doc. ResearchBrief034

pdf. ResearchBrief034