Seyfettin Gürsel Gökçe Uysal ve Ayşenur Acar
One in every four children in Turkey cannot satisfy their basic needs such as nutrition, heating and clothing. Even though there has been considerable improvement from 2006 to 2010, there are still 4.6 million children living in material deprivation. Stark regional differences in terms of child poverty also persist. Child poverty in the eastern regions is especially troubling. 40 percent of all children living in the Southeast are poor. Apart from growing up under serious material deprivation, these children will also face economic, political and moral problems such as inequality of opportunity and income inequality. On a different note, children growing up under poverty will also have detrimental effects on economic development. More and rigorous research on this topic is indispensible for designing effective policies to fight child poverty.
doc. ResearchBrief147
pdf. ResearchBrief147